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Wargame: European Escalation- What You Need to Know

A spectre is haunting Europe- the spectre of good game developers that get no press for no explicable reason.  Eugen is one of those studios, and their most recent title- Wargame- is quite possibly the best modern-era RTS game released in the last decade.  However it has received little to no critical acclaim.  The extent of its fame is essentially a few glowing articles over on Rock Paper Shotgun, including a riveting battle report of one of their own games.Image

I have played Wargame for over 100 hours solid now, and it shows no sign of becoming less interesting.  This weekend, the game releases its second free DLC package, including more maps, a game mode, and balance tweaks.  It is also going on its second massive discount for a limited time- available for 50% off, a scant $20, this weekend.  At that price, it is a must-buy for any gamer who likes strategy games.  And here’s why.

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What Went Wrong with SupCom 2?

Better box art, anyway.

Speaking for myself, Supreme Commander 2 was easily my most anticipated title of 2010. The original game and its expansion, Forged Alliance, were worthy spiritual successors to their precursor, Total Annihilation, but had room for improvement. Still, Supreme Commander showed great promise as a franchise, and I was looking forward to the direction Chris Taylor would take the series.

Suffice to say, the sequel did not live up to the hype. It is common sentiment among many of SupCom 2’s player base that, while a decent game in its own right on many points, it fails to live up to the original Supreme Commander for a variety of reasons. What I want to discuss in this post is what, specifically, went wrong, and why.

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How to Design a Strategy – Part 1: Slice & Dice

It is about time this blog got down to brass tacks about strategy, This post is the first in what is probably going to be a lengthy series on what fundamental principles and thought processes are behind the development of a strategy, in any context honestly, however I will focus specifically on RTS games as an illustrative example.  If you want to learn how to go from complete ignorance about any particular game into being able to formulate effective strategies to win at that game, read on.

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Starcraft 2 Patch 1.4 PTR (Luke’s Thoughts)

First off, this is by far the best SC2 patch to date. It seems to address with little ambiguity some of the biggest concerns voiced by the SC2 community to do with balance issues and gameplay dynamics. It is a bold and daring patch, and Blizzard, in my opinion, should be commended for listening to the players, filtering reasoned criticism from the noise, and then patching the hell out of their precious RTS baby.

Nerfs and buffs a plenty!

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