Tag Archive | rtt

Gamasutra Article

An article from Jan ’08 by Nathan Toronto over at Gamasutra entitled “The Future Of The Real-Time Strategy Game” made some interesting criticisms about traditional RTS games, particularly micro/macro-management and the difference between tactics and strategy.

Links fixed!

OK I have updated the links to the BFTA pack as I realised it was broken. Now fixed (see right hand side). Please try to use the torrent if you know how and have some upload/time to spare

PS – There is also a new section: ‘RTS Concept’ which features some old notes of mine about a futuristic RTS/RTT and how it might work in a post-Supcom or TA2 world. I have a storyline to match which I’ll add when it is more complete, it was originally written as a small kids book but fits the concept well.