Tag Archive | review

Wargame: European Escalation- What You Need to Know

A spectre is haunting Europe- the spectre of good game developers that get no press for no explicable reason.  Eugen is one of those studios, and their most recent title- Wargame- is quite possibly the best modern-era RTS game released in the last decade.  However it has received little to no critical acclaim.  The extent of its fame is essentially a few glowing articles over on Rock Paper Shotgun, including a riveting battle report of one of their own games.Image

I have played Wargame for over 100 hours solid now, and it shows no sign of becoming less interesting.  This weekend, the game releases its second free DLC package, including more maps, a game mode, and balance tweaks.  It is also going on its second massive discount for a limited time- available for 50% off, a scant $20, this weekend.  At that price, it is a must-buy for any gamer who likes strategy games.  And here’s why.

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Dawn of War 2 Review

Fascinating early review of DoW 2 over at Videogamer.com. I found this snippet particularly thought-provoking:

“It’s undoubtedly less hardcore than Gas Powered Games’ Supreme Commander or Creative Assembly’s Total War series. But it hasn’t dumped so many classic RTS hallmarks to be considered a Diablo or Baldur’s Gate clone. Simply put, Dawn of War II feels like the result of some mad scientist’s experiment, the by product of the splicing of Dawn of War with Company of Heroes, Relic’s other, more recent RTS. Oh, and with a dash of Blizzard’s World of Warcraft thrown into the mix for good measure.”
